#JUSTAVIXBRAT      An Indie & Private portrayal of  SUCI ORIHARA  an OC set in Haborym Orihara's world. Fantasy & Multiverse friendly.     written by  Tsun  (She/Her, 21+)   ALL ART OF SUCI BELONGS TO ME. IT IS COMISSIONED FROM VARIOUS ARTISTS THAT I WORK WITH. DO NOT USE, TRACE, REPOST, ETC.


  001.   Do not expect lewd off the rip from me. I enjoy my OC's design and like to get artwork of her looking hot. That does not in any way, shape, or form mean that my character wants to fuck yours. Nothing makes me drop a person faster than them acting entitled to my OC.  002.    Do not expect any sort of DM roleplay from me. I only use DMs for close friends or to gain artwork of Suci (See #5.) I don't like it when people randomly DM as with twitter it is a roll of the dice on what I will get. Ask before DMing or I will probably ignore it. Your best bet is to just @ me on the TL if you need me.  003.   This account will contain mature themes. That means gore, violence, blood, explicit and adult content. The OC is based on the seven deadly sins concept so the account will be contain content not suited for minors. So the account will be an adult space MINORS DO NOT INTERACT If lewd RP should happen then it will be threaded so that it can be muted as needed.  004.    This account is open to interactions from all verses. So feel free to @ me in starters on the TL.  005.    Artwork is commissioned by me. Do not use it. Suci's design belongs to me as do the images that I get commissioned of her. I post these images with proper credit to the artists that I work with. If I catch you using this artwork then I will take the necessary steps in getting it taken down.  006.   Detail is reciprocated. I can go from novella to one liners. Please just make sure that you give me something to work with.  007.    Real life will always come before RP. So I am prone to going poof and disappearing. My work can be very demanding so there will be days that I just don't log on because I know that I can't write anything of substance.  008.   This account ships with heavy chemistry.   Niko has played an integral role in Suci's development and story since day 1 so he has the spot of main ship and all stories with him affects her canon. Ships will occur in AU universes where development has still happened but her having a romantic partner hasn't. Basically information will be shifted and retconned as necessary.


  • Tag me in respectful starters on TL.

  • @ me on TL if you have questions or want to talk.

  • Interact with my open starts or in my starter calls.


  • DM without permission.

  • Give me random nicknames like babygirl, little one, etc. This is disgusting and I will block you.

  • Flirt with me. I am in a happy relationship with the love of my life so if you treat twitter like a dating sim then we shouldn't interact.


Hi, this is the first greeting / interaction type thing that I have ever typed out for RP. You can call me Tsun. I have a wide variety of interest that span across video games and other forms of media. I get a lot of commissioned artwork of my OCs which I love dearly. I write for other OCs that I'm always willing to give out to friends or people that I am close to. The same goes for my writer account.


  Haborym Orihara      @ikebukurosking
  Suci Kaminari      @justavixkitsun
  GORO TAKEMURA      @TheExCorpo
NC Bodyguard

  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship

  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship
  FIRSTNAME LASTNAME      @blogurl
Main , relationship

  NAME    Suci Orihara  AGE    XXX  DATE OF BIRTH    October 25,XXXX  POSITIVE TRAITS   
Happy go lucky
Loves humans
Struggles to be genuine
Tends to use others
Can tend to look at relationships as something transactional
  HEIGHT    5’8”  HAIR    Chocolate brown  EYES    Yellow with slit pupils and Black sclera  MARKS & SCARS    Purple triangular cheek markings
a tattoo above her breasts
a heart tattoo above her tailbone
- Haborym Orihara
- Suci Kaminari (Doppelganger)
  ABILITIES   •Enhanced strength, endurance, and resistance.• Advanced healing: Depending on the severity of the wound inflicted on her, she can heal it. If it is from a being below her on the spectrum of power the wound will heal in no time and with ease. If they are above her, then it will take time for the wound to heal. Limb reattachment is also possible if the wound is stitched properly.• Levitation: This is one of her weakest skills and can only be applied to herself. She only uses it it when she tired of standing or wants to be annoyance to someone. i.e floating around them as they work or floating around to drape herself around them and be a disturbance.•Pheromone control: She had the ability to exude pheromones before her metamorphosis but the change made this ability more potent. The pheromones that she gives off can inspire feelings of lust, weariness that leads to fatigue, sleepiness, and adoration in those that who find themselves under her spell.•Portal control: Think of this ability similar to the game 'portal.' She is able to open portals to hell that range in size to allow various objects to pass through them. While having one portal open she is able to then open another that leads to another location of her choosing. This is what leads to the 'portal' effect that she is able to recreate. The current limit of portals she is able to have open at one time is three.•Wings: She is able to sprout a pair of wings at will that allow her to fly. They have another use, whenever she feels threatened they undergo a change. The outermost feathers become as sharp as a blade. Just brushing against them is enough to turn inflict some injury.• Faceless: This ability is passive unless Suci suppresses it. As Vainglory, Suci has the ability to assume to form of a woman that the beholder holds dear. This transformation is not only done in a physical sense and is more of a glamor than anything. This glamor will deceive the beholder's senses and make them believe that their beloved is right before them. When the ability is activated a slideshow appears in Suci's head showing all the moments that the beholder and beloved shared. This makes her acting like them all the more easier.• Enchant: The Sin of Vainglory's purpose is to lead man estray and to ruin. In order to do this, her appearance must be so striking that it can take your breath away. This ability is one that must be suppressed and for good reason. Once activated the person looking at her will become captivated by her form. All it takes is a glance and they are hooked. For lesser men, they die on their feet once they see her face due to forgetting to breathe. For others, they simply stare and are so enthralled that while they still breathe, they may forget to eat or drink. They are so reluctant to tear their gazes from her that they wouldn't even notice if they were stabbed or set ablaze. There are those that can resist the more extreme effects of her charm, but the remnants will still pull at their heartstrings.


  Vainglory, the eighth forgotten sin.   Foretold to be so beautiful that even God hesitated to reach out and touch them. They were born from the Sin of Pride and the personification of everything that Pride wished to forget. They were a sin that pleased all that gazed upon them and did countless acts to gain the favor of others. The precious 'pet' of Hell. They were thought to be dead, the last heir disposed of eons ago. But their torch has been lit once more through the union between a being of lust and the Sin of Wrath. Suci rose from her rank as a succubus and was reborn. She is now, Suci Orihara; Sin of VaingloryBefore she met 𝙝𝙞𝙢 Suci had long forgotten her reason for existing. All of her days was filled with the same monotonous bullshit. Life used to be such a bore for the succubus. Eat, Sleep, be pampered, and repeat. That was her daily cycle. When she had first awoken in this form she had been excited. "What was she capable of? What could she do with these abilities?" It had been fun using her wiles to toy with humans and lower class demons alike, but the novelty wore off after the first couple of centuries. It was around this time that she returned back to Hell, and attempted to throw herself into the soul collecting business. That was a mistake, it was then that she was made aware of the prejudice her race suffered. Apparently to other demons, succubi were just breeding bags unable to be useful aside from spreading their legs. This notion disgusted her and caused her to leave Hell once more. She couldn't stand how other demons treated her. How dare they....she was a mid ranked demon like them! But they treated her like a low tier just because of her soul gathering method.She started to travel around Earth more and involve herself with humans. Carpe diem was her new life motto and she stuck by it. She lived in the moment chasing after momentary moments of euphoria to forget her own existential wondering. She craved feelings of validation to an almost unhealthy degree. It was almost like something deep inside her psyche was driving her to find something that would prove her worth. This manifested in a brief interest in love and romance, but that died out after a bit. No one could see past her promiscuous nature to get to know the demoness behind her flirty and bratty persona. It wasn't until she met a human by the name of Izaya Orihara that her world finally seemed to gain color once more. At first it was just refreshing to have someone to banter with. He talked to her as if she were a being capable of thought. These feelings soon turned into a desire to become important to him and the one by his side. Unfortunately, at the time Izaya was going through his own troubles and self doubt convinced her that she was unworthy of his love. This was enough to convince her to build a barrier between the two and attempt to keep their status strictly platonic. Luckily after a while, the truth was revealed. The two shared the same feelings and started to date. Their feelings of love survived trial after trial. Izzy had proved himself to be her one and only. This led them to take a vow to be each other's one and only. The two planned to married and she officially became his queen.Their union gave rise to a rebirth. In his time in Hell, Izaya became Haborym, the Sin of Wrath. Due to her succubus nature every time the lovers partook in carnal pleasure she would slowly absorb a portion of his power. His lifeforce soon combined with her own. This led to a painful metamorphosis that soon gave rise to a forgotten sin. Suci became 𝙑𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙮, the fabled temptress, a sin that captivates and corrupts.

  NEW IKEBUKURO        Canon. 
The Sin of Wrath was reborn into a new entity known as Haborym Orihara. His human life saw him working as an information broker that used humans as pawns upon the board called life. A thirst for knowledge led him to summon the demoness known Suci and the rest is history. Their volatile story was full of ups and downs, but it soon saw them both ascend to Sins. Now they work to carve out a home within Hell that they have titled NEW IKEBUKURO.

  CYBERPUNK       AU. 

  VERSE       AU.